Monday, May 25, 2020
Personal Reflection On Self - 1635 Words
Throughout the past year, I’ve built many relationships that have allowed me to reflect on not only myself, but also the work I want to do and what my role can be in that work. These relationships have occurred with my peers, upperclassmen Civic Scholars, the community partner I worked work with, the students I worked with, and Civic House staff. First, my relationships with my peers have made a big impact on me. Prior to PennCORP and the Civic Scholars program, I never had the opportunity to be in a room with like-minded individuals who were passionate about social change and how they wanted to enact it. This type of space in itself drastically changed how I looked at myself, reflected on my identity, and how I wanted to go about the†¦show more content†¦Now I know this is where taking resources that are offered to you is most critical (and I’m still working on that!) I’ve learned that people, or more specifically your friends, are there for you to depend on, to take care of you, and to stick it out with. This seems like a very basic lesson, but one I had never been taught before and it has strengthened my relationship building skills. I’ve learned that vulnerability is so key in building a relationship and allowing people to become invested in you by exploring those vulnerabilities and helping you work through and repair them, together. I’ve learned that it’s okay to have to depend on each other, because that’s what the relationship is, because you can have all the mutual interests in the world, but you’ll never build a proper relationship without organic exchange. This translates to more than just people too, it applies in terms of thinking about the work I do. Even if an organization holds all the principles you hold close to you, if you don’t think about the relationship beyond transactional terms, it isn’t a beneficial one for either you or the organization or it’s constituents. It’s not until you partner with that organization and give them a stake in your own development that it becomes a worthwhile endeavorâ€â€or at least that’s how I’ve come to define it. 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